furybsd 12.2
github fork: https://github.com/ohmtal/furybsd-livecd
Set german keyboard layout for X: setxkbmap de
On my laptop with NVIDIA FX1800 GPU it failed to setup the x-server but on my pc with GTX 660 it works fine using lastest driver.
- add /usr/lib32 stuff (https://download.freebsd.org/ftp/releases/amd64/12.2-RELEASE/lib32.txz)
tar -xpf /tmp/lib32.txz -C /
- WLAN fail to connect on some usb wlan sticks. This helps:
instead of ifconfig_wlan1="WPA SYNCDHCP inet6 accept_rtadv" set ifconfig_wlan1="WPA SYNCDHCP inet6"
- default shell to csh instead sh
- setup need to add keyboard layout and timezone or add at least a link to bsdconfig
- setup gui too big for 640x480 resolution which is detected on some old intel chips
- configure xorg need to add kldload when changing to intel drm-kmod
- remove linux compat - hey we use freebsd :P also it may be better to install wine :P
- add wine OR i386-wine, dosbox